To become a developed city, every city must continue to develop all aspects or sectors, which are able to support the development of the city, including the health sector. This aspect of life is increasingly important because in fact, health is the main thing that must be considered. With a healthy community, the progress of a city or region can be realized more quickly. One thing that can be done to develop this health sector is through the digitization process by utilizing digital technology, where this step will certainly make it easier for the community to get the best health services.
In line with this, in 2022 Virtu builds Virtu DigiLab Branch Pekanbaru, to provide the best and complete laboratorium service for people in Pekanbaru city using advanced equipment and technology supported by integrated digital information system, which can provide fast and accurate laboratorium results. Virtu comes to be an integrated health solution with its products and services that can answer the daily and industry needs.
Virtu DigiLab Branch Offices in Pekanbaru City
No | Nama Branch | Alamat | No Telepon |
Virtu DigiLab is now here
1. Virtu DigiLab will cover the whole Pekanbaru City
In 2022, Virtu DigiLab will cover all areas in Pekanbaru City and its surroundings, in order to provide health services that use the latest technology to be a solution to protect yourself and your family.
For more information, please contact our Team via email to care@virtudigilab.com.
2. Fast and Accurate Laboratory Results
By having professional medical personnel who can provide a fast and accurate diagnosis of health problems using the latest medical technology.

3. Best Price
Virtu DigiLab presents a selection of the best health care packages designed to provide international standard medical examinations.

Featured Product
Virtu Digilab menghadirkan pilihan paket layanan kesehatan terbaik yang dirancang untuk memberikan pemeriksaan medis berstandar internasional.

- Blood Routine
- Fasting Glucose
- Total cholesterol
- High-Density
- Lipoprotein
- Low-Density Lipoprotein
- Triglycerides
This health check can make it easier for you to find out early indications of disease, if there are symptoms of fatal diseases such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, digestive diseases, and so on. And can motivate you to have a healthy lifestyle.

- Complete Blood Check
- Fasting Glucose
- Urea
- Creatinine
- Uric Acid
- Total cholesterol
- High-Density
- Lipoprotein
- Low-Density Lipoprotein
- Triglycerides
- Aspartate
- Aminotransferase
- Alanin Aminotransferase
- Urine Rutin
This health check can make it easier for you to find out early indications of disease, if there are symptoms of fatal diseases such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, digestive diseases, and so on. And can motivate you to have a healthy lifestyle.

Virtu Digilab MCU New Employee
- Complete Blood
- Urine Rutin
- Drug Test Panel
- Fasting Glucose
- Urea
- Creatinine
- Total Cholesterol
- High-Density
- Lipoprotein
- Low-Density Lipoprotein
- Triglycerides
- Aspartate
- Aminotransferase
- Alanin Aminotransferase
- Anti Human
- Immunodeficiency Virus
- (HIV) - Rapid
- Anti Hepatitis C Virus
- (HCV) - Rapid
- Hepatitis B Surface
- Antigen (HBSAG)-Rapid
- X-RAY Thorax Per Posisi
- Eye Examination (Visus)
- Doctor Consultation
- Physical Examination
This effort is to determine the health condition of prospective employees, so that prevention and early detection of the health of prospective employees can be carried out. For example, detecting whether the prospective employee is dependent on the use of addictive substances, hereditary/congenital diseases, and so on.

About Pekanbaru City
Pekanbaru is the capital and largest city in the province of Riau, Indonesia. This city is also one of the largest economic centers where Pekanbaru is the largest trading city in Riau Province. Moreover, it turns out that Pekanbaru city also has several interesting tourist destinations, from religious to history tourism. One of the religious tourism destinations that is quite popular is the Masjid Agung An Nur, which is also an icon of Pekanbaru city. It becomes the grandest mosque there because of its architecture, which combines Malay, Arabic, Indian and Turkish designs. There is also Soeman H.S Library, a magnificent library with a building shape that resembles an open book with many big pillars, so it is not surprising that this library is a special attraction for local residents and tourists.